User Engagement

Reptile Chronicles sets a goal to grow steadily and consistently.

1. Set up to scale

Reptile Chronicles uses Immutable X technology to provide mainstream scalability and gas-free transactions for users, allowing fast peer-to-peer trading.

This opens access to the mainstream gaming market by simplifying the purchase, trade, and mint process.

2. Ownership and unique NFT assets

Each playable item in the game is a unique 1/1 NFT(stats, look, rarity). This brings actual ownership to the game, where you own a digital asset independent of developers and can be transferred on a blockchain.

3. PC gaming

Computer gaming is constantly growing and firmly holds its share of the market. Even more, most of the popular projects are released on PC. This is a good base for AAA projects to create authentic value products that bring the best from gaming and the blockchain industry together. But unfortunately, most blockchain games start as the browser and mobile games, leaving players without a great gaming experience in exchange for a bare blockchain technology ecosystem.

4. Promotion stages

Influences: Organized long-term collaboration with well-known influencers, bringing attention and recognition to Reptile Chronicles. This is an excellent way of obtaining new players worldwide.

Engagement: Give players real-life value throw rewards, support, and in-detail attention to keep high engagement and build a strong customer core.

5. Growth driven by $REPT tokens

Token-based incentives and governance

The in-game currency will be tradeable. The token will be distributed to players, as well as all participants in the ecosystem, which promotes the overall growth of the game. Tokens will be used to reward players and perform governance. Player-driven token ownership will boost the project's development. Users will be rewarded for supporting the project, which will lead to growth.

6. Community-driven growth

The community will be rewarded for creating content, game development (creating levels, designing rooms), and bringing 3d party developers. The community will decide what to add to the game due to being a part of the production process and implementation throw DAO and rewards pool with reserves for creators. Marketing partnership with the project will also be rewarded. We are setting space for the community to build a long-term business in Reptile Chronicles.

7. Play to earn

Limited supplies will allow keeping high demand.

Discover dungeons, find items, or merge them and sell. You can create your own business in the game by selling only potions or selling parts of items that players need. Each piece is unique 1/1 (stats, look, rarity), so you would need to trade not only for money but just by exchange.

Swap Items

No need to buy. Use the game trading platform to swap items, paying only a fee for a swap from both sides.

Fair Reward

Rewards are skill-based which motivates a player to practice and grow their skill to always be a winner. Tokens are earned only by actions that lead us to the involved and enthusiastic community motivated to make the game better.

Last updated